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Ath-beòthachadh na h-eaglaise

Chan eil sa chraoibh ach smuain

gus an tuit sìol dhan talamh.

Chan eil ann an sìol ach poca comas-fàis

gus an cuir am poca sìos freumhan.

Chan eil ann am freumhan ach lìonra

gus an cuir an lìonra suas stoc.

Chan eil san stoc ach pòla

gus am fàs am pòla geugan.

Chan eil sna geugan ach cnàimhneach

gus am fàs an cnàimhneach duilleagan.

Fàsaidh craobh na beatha ann am meadhan Ierusaleim Nuadh air gach taobh de Abhainn Uisge na Beatha, a’ toirt a-mach toradh gach mìos den bhliadhna. Tha duilleagan na craoibhe airson slànachadh nan nàisean agus gheibh eòin an adhair fasgadh anns na geugan aice.

A tree is but a thought

until a seed falls into the ground.

A seed is but a sack of potential

until the sack puts down roots.

Roots are but a network

until the network pushes up a trunk.

A trunk is but a pole

until the pole sprouts branches.

Branches are just a skeleton

until the skeleton produces leaves.

A tree of life grows in the middle of the New Jerusalem on both sides of the River of Life, producing fruit every month of the year. The leaves of the tree are for the healing of nations and the birds of the air find shelter in its branches.

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