Bring it on
If you say, "But we knew nothing about this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Proverbs 24.12
It was hard to stifle a mixture of mirth and sympathy on behalf of the residents of St Ives, Cornwall in their bemusement at the descent of world leaders for the G7 Summit this weekend. I'd like to think, though, that if they ever came to Skye, we'd be ready. Indeed the airstrip is adjacent to our own village!
On arrival, the first place I would want them to visit is at the near end of the runway: Pulpit Rock. St Maolrubha is reputed to have preached the Gospel from here, after his arrival from Applecross around 700AD. St Columba himself visited about 100 years earlier, so one could say that we have been aware of the presence of the King of Kings for over 1400 years. Why should we feel overwhelmed at the arrival of a handful of senior politicians?
How one reacts to events depends on what one perceives. Most people rely on their physical senses most of the time. But Christians are exhorted to use the eye of faith for a truer picture. This becomes increasingly relevant when grappling with thorny issues like suffering and sexuality. Our perspective will be different if we can appreciate a picture picture, within which our present struggles are "light and momentary", rather than remaining fixed on this life as being all there is.