Midweek meetings
An overview of all our Bible studies, prayer meetings and discussion groups.
Sometimes times and places change; please check the Dates & events page for up to date information.
Notices - 6 October
SATURDAY 5th OCTOBER 2pm: INDUCTION SERVICE for Rev. JOHN MURDO NICOLSON: in Kyleakin Village Hall. Everyone welcome. Followed by refreshments.
If you can’t join in person, please join on zoom (details in your weekly email).
11am: Whole Parish Family service with Rev John Murdo Nicolson, in Broadford Church and on zoom (Please note that there will be NO other morning services in the other churches)
3pm: GAELIC SERVICE with Iain MacKinnon in Broadford Church
4.30pm: ‘Nourish’ - Sharing food together and a short thought to nourish the week ahead (free!) all ages welcome. In Kyleakin Church Hall.
THE CALL FOR REV JM NICOLSON: We are invited by presbytery to add our name to the call for Rev JM Nicolson to be invited to be minister of Strath & Sleat. Please sign online at:
JEFF FROM FAITH MISSION: in Kyleakin Church hall (BOOK-STALL) - Tuesday 8th October 7.30pm.
HOPE AND FAITH SCHOOL: an opportunity has arisen to have Christmas cards taken to our sponsored children by people from the Oxford support group who are going to be visiting the school at the end of October. If you would like to send a card to your child, please get it to Jean Gillies by 20th October. We are also suggesting a small monetary gift of £10 per child - local notes will be obtained in Zambia and put in the cards before they are handed over. If you would like to do this, please give the money to Jean or Norman, or do a transfer of £10 to the Friends of Hope and Faith School account by the same date. Bank details are: 06002289, sort code, 80-05-83, with reference 'Christmas Gift'
FIRST AID COURSE: If you might be interested in attending a one day first aid course, please let Jean know jeangillies@btinternet.com
BLYTHSWOOD SHOE BOXES APPEAL 2024: Leaflets will be in the churches soon but, please start collecting items for the Blythswood shoebox appeal now. Here’s the link to find out more https://blythswood.org/shoeboxappeal/
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT SLEAT’ – Babies with parents/carers - in Sleat Free Church. (N.B. We will be taking a break over the holiday - starting again on 28th October)
11am: PRAYER FOR REVIVAL: (on zoom)
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT BROADFORD’ – Babies with parents/carers - in Broadford Church. (N.B. We will be taking a break over the holiday - starting again on 29th October)
7.30pm: JEFF FROM FAITH MISSION: (+ book-stall) in Kyleakin Church Hall. All welcome.
7.30f: BUIDHEANN BHÌOBAIL: - Bidh a' Bhuidheann Bhìobaill a' coinneachadh gach oidhche Chiadain aig 7.30f ann an Seòmar Eige, ACC, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Bidh sinn a' coimhead air litrichean Pheadar is Eòin. Cothrom snog do dh’oileanaich is muinntir na coimhearsnachd tighinn còmhla. (N.B. Bhuidheann Bhìobaill will be taking a break on 16th or 23rd October)
7.30: BROADFORD BIBLE STUDY in the Broadford church foyer. All very welcome.
1.30pm: KILMORE LADIES GROUP in Kilmore Church. We're continuing with our study on The Psalms: Prayers of the Heart. (And we’ll be taking a break over the Oct hols, 17th and 24th Oct.)
11am: Morning service in Broadford Church
11am: Morning service in Kilmore Church – (No Sunday-school or YV over the holiday)
11am: Morning service in Kyleakin Church (and zoom) – Holiday Sunday school
N.B.: No Kyleakin fellowship during the October break
PASTORAL CARE: For any pastoral care concerns or requests, please contact Nicola, the Session Clerk 07825 302 548 strathandsleat@gmail.com
NEXT WEEK’S NOTICES: Please send anything you would like included in the church notices for the week to Lesley (as usual, ‘cut-and-paste’ ready, if possible, please) lesleyinskye@yahoo.co.uk (or ring 01471 822023) by MIDDAY ON THURSDAY AT THE LATEST PLEASE. (Please keep weekly notices as short as possible!)
Notices - 29 September
THIS SUNDAY 29th SEPTEMBER: HARVEST Collection for Skye and Lochalsh FOOD-BANK: Please leave donations of tins and packets in any of the churches (no fresh food and with a good use-by date please)
11am: Morning service in Broadford Church
11am: Morning service in Kilmore Church (and zoom) - Sunday school and YV
11am: Morning service in Kyleakin Church – Sunday school and YC
6pm: Kyleakin fellowship in Kyleakin church hall. (and zoom)
INDUCTION SERVICE for Rev. JOHN MURDO NICOLSON: 2pm SATURDAY 5th OCTOBER in Kyleakin Village Hall. Everyone welcome. Followed by refreshments. If you can’t join in person, please join on zoom (link in your weekly email).
DONATIONS of BAKING: If you can donate some baking for the induction service, please let either Jean or Lesley know (details below)
AND… HELP NEEDED TO MAKE SANDWICHES: 12noon SATURDAY 5th OCTOBER in Kyleakin village hall. If you can join the team please contact Jean jeangillies@btinternet.com (01471 844281) or Lesley lesleyinskye@yahoo.co.uk (01471 822023).
THE CALL FOR REV JM NICOLSON: We are invited by presbytery to add our name to the call for Rev JM Nicolson to be invited to be minister of Strath & Sleat. Please sign online if possible:
If you cannot sign online, there will be an opportunity to sign at Kilmore Communion or in all churches on Sunday 29th September.
FIRST AID COURSE: If you might be interested in attending a one day first aid course, please let Jean know jeangillies@btinternet.com
FUNDRAISING RUN: Ariana, Elayna, Mia and Ivanna are looking forward to running the river Ness 5k at the end of the month. They have been training really hard and if anyone would like to sponsor/donate they would love to raise some money to help the migrant workers that our auntie Moggie works with in the Middle East, please contact Janette Currie janette.timmy@gmail.com Thanks so much!
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT SLEAT’ – Babies with parents/carers - in Sleat Free Church
11am: PRAYER FOR REVIVAL: (on zoom)
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT BROADFORD’ – Babies with parents/carers - in Broadford Church
7.30pm: KYLEAKIN PRAYER MEETING in Kyleakin Church Hall. All welcome.
7.30f: BUIDHEANN BHÌOBAIL: Bidh a' Bhuidheann Bhìobaill a' coinneachadh gach oidhche Chiadain aig 7.30f ann an Seòmar Eige, ACC, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Bidh sinn a' coimhead air litrichean Pheadar is Eòin. Cothrom snog do dh’oileanaich is muinntir na coimhearsnachd tighinn còmhla.
7.30: BROADFORD BIBLE STUDY in the Broadford church foyer. All very welcome.
1.30pm: KILMORE LADIES GROUP in Kilmore Church. We're continuing with our study on The Psalms: Prayers of the Heart.
2pm: INDUCTION SERVICE for Rev. JOHN MURDO NICOLSON: All details and zoom link above.
11am: Whole Parish Family service in Broadford Church and on zoom
3pm: GAELIC SERVICE in Broadford Church
4.30pm: ‘Nourish’ - Sharing food together and a short thought to nourish the week ahead (free!) all ages welcome. In Kyleakin Church Hall.
PASTORAL CARE: For any pastoral care concerns or requests, please contact Nicola, the Session Clerk 07825 302 548 strathandsleat@gmail.com
NEXT WEEK’S NOTICES: Please send anything you would like included in the church notices for the week to Lesley (as usual, ‘cut-and-paste’ ready, if possible, please) lesleyinskye@yahoo.co.uk (or ring 01471 822023) by MIDDAY ON THURSDAY AT THE LATEST PLEASE. (Please keep weekly notices as short as possible!)
Notices - 22 September
NEXT WEEK’S NOTICES: Please send anything you would like included in the church notices for the week to Lesley (as usual, ‘cut-and-paste’ ready, if possible, please) lesleyinskye@yahoo.co.uk (or ring 01471 822023) by MIDDAY ON WEDNESDAY AT THE LATEST PLEASE. (Please keep notices as short as possible!)
11am: WHOLE PARISH COMMUNION SERVICE in Kilmore Church (and zoom) – Sunday school (N.B. All bread is gluten free and the grape juice/wine is alcohol free) There will be no morning services in the other churches this morning.
3pm: Gaelic Service in KILMORE Church. This will be a special Welcome Service for the new students, and will be taken by Roddy John MacLeod. All welcome
6pm: Kyleakin fellowship in Kyleakin church hall – Continuing with the Roman’s Course. This week will be ‘Mystery’ part 2
INDUCTION SERVICE for Rev. JOHN MURDO NICOLSON: 2pm SATURDAY 5th OCTOBER in Kyleakin Village Hall. Everyone welcome. Followed by refreshments.
DONATIONS of BAKING: If you can donate some baking for the induction service, please let either Jean or Lesley know (details below)
AND… HELP NEEDED TO MAKE SANDWICHES: 12noon SATURDAY 5th OCTOBER in Kyleakin village hall. If you can join the team please contact Jean jeangillies@btinternet.com (01471 844281) or Lesley lesleyinskye@yahoo.co.uk (01471 822023).
THE CALL FOR REV JM NICOLSON: We are invited by presbytery to add our name to the call for Rev JM Nicolson to be invited to be minister of Strath & Sleat. Please sign online if possible:
If you cannot sign online, there will be an opportunity to sign at Kilmore Communion or in all churches on Sunday 29th September.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! to help make the Manse a really welcoming new home for our new minister, John Murdo Nicolson. If you’re able to join a garden-weeding team, or house-cleaning team on either Friday afternoon (20th); Saturday daytime (21st); or Monday morning (23rd) please contact Farquhar: wfgat14lb@gmail.com or phone 01471 822671, or just turn up with tools for the job!
HARVEST – NEXT SUNDAY 29th SEPTEMBER: Collection for the Skye and Lochalsh FOOD-BANK: Please leave donations of tins and packets (no fresh food and with a good use-by date please) in any of the churches up until Sunday 29th September.
FIRST AID COURSE: If you might be interested in attending a one day first aid course, please let Jean know jeangillies@btinternet.com
ZOOM LINKS: A few people had difficulty joining the services on zoom last Sunday. The links have been updated this week, so we’re hoping they work better this Sunday. See your weekly email for the new links.
FUNDRAISING RUN: Ariana, Elayna, Mia and Ivanna are looking forward to running the river Ness 5k at the end of the month. They have been training really hard and if anyone would like to sponsor/donate they would love to raise some money to help the migrant workers that our auntie Moggie works with in the Middle East, please contact Janette Currie janette.timmy@gmail.com Thanks so much!
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT SLEAT’ – Babies with parents/carers - in Sleat Free Church
11am: PRAYER FOR REVIVAL: (on zoom)
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT BROADFORD’ – Babies with parents/carers - in Broadford Church
7.30pm: KYLEAKIN PRAYER MEETING in Kyleakin Church Hall. All welcome.
7.30f: BUIDHEANN BHÌOBAILL: Bidh a' Bhuidheann Bhìobaill a' coinneachadh gach oidhche Chiadain aig 7.30f ann an Seòmar Eige, ACC, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Bidh sinn a' coimhead air litrichean Pheadar is Eòin. Cothrom snog do dh’oileanaich is muinntir na coimhearsnachd tighinn còmhla.
7.30: BROADFORD BIBLE STUDY in the Broadford church foyer. All very welcome.
1.30pm: KILMORE LADIES GROUP in Kilmore Church. We're starting a new study called 'The Psalms: Prayers of the Heart.'
NEXT SUNDAY 29th SEPTEMBER: HARVEST donations for the Skye and Lochalsh Food bank – see above
11am: Morning service in Broadford Church
11am: Morning service in Kilmore Church (and zoom) - Sunday school and YV
11am: Morning service in Kyleakin Church – Sunday school and YC
6pm: Kyleakin fellowship in Kyleakin church hall – Continuing with the Roman’s Course. This week will be ‘Devotion’ part 1
PASTORAL CARE: For any pastoral care concerns or requests, please contact Nicola, the Session Clerk 07825 302 548 strathandsleat@gmail.com
Notices - 15 September
GAELIC WELCOME SERVICE for new students is rescheduled to 22nd SEPTEMBER, Kilmore at 3pm, with Roddy John MacLeod. All welcome"
HARVEST – SUNDAY 29th SEPTEMBER: Collection for the Skye and Lochalsh FOOD-BANK: Please leave donations of tins and packets (no fresh food and with a good use-by date please) in any of the churches up until Sunday 29th September.
INDUCTION SERVICE for Rev. JOHN MURDO NICOLSON: 2pm SATURDAY 5th OCTOBER in Kyleakin Village Hall. Followed by refreshments.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! to help make the Manse a really welcoming new home for our new minister, John Murdo Nicolson. If you’re able to join a garden-weeding team, or house-cleaning team, please contact Farquhar: wfgat14lb@gmail.com
FIRST AID COURSE: If you might be interested in attending a one day first aid course, please let Jean know jeangillies@btinternet.com
11am: Morning service in Broadford Church
11am: Morning service in Kilmore Church (and zoom) - Sunday school and YV
11am: Morning service in Kyleakin Church – Sunday school and YC
NB: Gaelic Welcome Service for new students rescheduled to 22nd Sept (details above)
6pm: Kyleakin fellowship in Kyleakin church hall – Continuing with the Roman’s Course. This week will be ‘Mystery’ part 1
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT SLEAT’– Babies with parents/carers - in Sleat Free Church
11am: PRAYER FOR REVIVAL: (on zoom)
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT BROADFORD’ – Babies with parents/carers - in Broadford Church
7.30pm: KYLEAKIN PRAYER MEETING in Kyleakin Church Hall. All welcome.
7.30f: BUIDHEANN BHÌOBAILL: - Bidh a' Bhuidheann Bhìobaill a' tòiseachadh às ùr air Diciadain 4 an t-Sultain aig 7.30f ann an Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Bidh sinn a' coimhead air litrichean Pheadair is Eòin.
7.30: BROADFORD BIBLE STUDY in the Broadford church foyer. All very welcome.
1.30pm: KILMORE LADIES GROUP in Kilmore Church. We're starting a new study called The Psalms: Prayers of the Heart.
11am: WHOLE PARISH COMMUNION SERVICE in Kilmore Church (and zoom) – Sunday school (N.B. All bread is Gluten-free and the grape-juice/wine is all alcohol-free) There will be no morning services in the other churches this morning.
3pm: Gaelic Service in Kilmore Church. This will be a special Welcome Service for the new students, and will be taken by Roddy John MacLeod
6pm: Kyleakin fellowship in Kyleakin church hall – Continuing with the Roman’s Course. This week will be ‘Mystery’ part 2
PASTORAL CARE: For any pastoral care concerns or requests, please contact Nicola, the Session Clerk 07825 302 548 strathandsleat@gmail.com
Please send anything you would like included in the church notices for the week to Lesley (as usual, ‘cut-and-paste’ ready, if possible, please) lesleyinskye@yahoo.co.uk (or ring 01471 822023) by MIDDAY ON THURSDAY AT THE LATEST PLEASE. And please try to keep notices as short as possible!
Notices - 8 September
COMMUNION - SUNDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER: Our parish communion service will be held in Kilmore.
HARVEST - SUNDAY 29th SEPTEMBER: Collection for the Skye and Lochalsh FOOD-BANK: Please leave donations of tins and packets (no fresh food and with a good use-by date please) in any of the churches up until Sunday 29th November.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! to help make the Manse a really welcoming new home for our new minister, John Murdo Nicolson. If you’re able to join a garden-weeding team, or house-cleaning team, please contact Farquhar: wfgat14lb@gmail.com or phone 01471 822671
FIRST AID COURSE: If you might be interested in attending a one day first aid course, please let Jean know: jeangillies@btinternet.com
11am: Morning service in Broadford Church
11am: Morning service in Kilmore Church (and zoom) - Sunday school and YV
11am: Morning service in Kyleakin Church – Sunday school and YC
4.30pm: ‘Nourish’ - Sharing food together and a short thought to nourish the week ahead (free!) all ages very welcome. Kyleakin Church Hall.
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT SLEAT: - Babies with parents/carers - in Sleat Free Church
11am: PRAYER FOR REVIVAL: (on zoom)
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT BROADFORD’ – Babies with parents/carers - in Broadford Church
7.30pm: KYLEAKIN PRAYER MEETING in Kyleakin Church Hall. All welcome.
7.30f: BUIDHEANN BHÌOBAILL: Bidh a' Bhuidheann Bhìobaill a' tòiseachadh às ùr air Diciadain 4 an t-Sultain aig 7.30f ann an Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Bidh sinn a' coimhead air litrichean Pheadair is Eòin.
7.30: BROADFORD BIBLE STUDY in the Broadford church foyer. All very welcome.
1.30pm: KILMORE LADIES GROUP in Kilmore Church. We're starting a new study called The Psalms: Prayers of the Heart.
11am: Morning service in Broadford Church
11am: Morning service in Kilmore Church (and zoom) - Sunday school and YV
11am: Morning service in Kyleakin Church – Sunday school and YC
3pm: Gaelic Service in Kilmore Church. This will be a special Welcome Service for the new students, and will be taken by Roddy John MacLeod
6pm: Kyleakin fellowship in Kyleakin church hall – Continuing with the Roman’s Course. This week will be ‘Mystery’ part 1
PASTORAL CARE: For any pastoral care concerns or requests, please contact Nicola, the Session Clerk 07825 302 548 strathandsleat@gmail.com
Please send anything you would like included in the church notices for the week to Lesley (as usual, ‘cut-and-paste’ ready, if possible, please) lesleyinskye@yahoo.co.uk (or ring 01471 822023) by MIDDAY ON THURSDAY AT THE LATEST PLEASE. And please try to keep notices as short as possible!
Notices - 1 September
‘BACK TO SCHOOL WITH GOD’: This Sunday 1st September 6pm in Kyleakin Village Hall. Everyone welcome.
LOOKING AHEAD: Our parish communion service will be held in Kilmore on Sunday 22nd September.
11am: Morning service in Broadford Church
11am: Morning service in Kilmore Church (and zoom) - Sunday school and YV
11am: Morning service in Kyleakin Church – Sunday school and YC
3pm: Gaelic Service in Broadford Church with Ian MacKinnon
6pm: ‘Back To School With God’: in Kyleakin Village Hall. All welcome.
(N.B. No Kyleakin fellowship)
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT BROADFORD’ - Babies with parents/carers - in Sleat Free Church
11am: PRAYER FOR REVIVAL: (on zoom)
10.30 - 12.30pm: ’MAKE IT COUNT BROADFORD’ – Babies with parents/carers - in Broadford Church
7.30pm: KYLEAKIN PRAYER MEETING in Kyleakin Church Hall. All welcome.
7.30f: BUIDHEANN BHÌOBAILL: Bidh a' Bhuidheann Bhìobaill a' tòiseachadh às ùr air Diciadain 4 an t-Sultain aig 7.30f ann an Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Bidh sinn a' coimhead air litrichean Pheadair is Eòin.
7.30: BROADFORD BIBLE STUDY in the Broadford church foyer. All very welcome.
1.30pm: KILMORE LADIES GROUP in Kilmore Church. We are starting a new study on Praying the Psalms, at new time of 1.30pm
7pm: KIRK SESSION (on zoom)
11am: Morning service in Broadford Church
11am: Morning service in Kilmore Church (and zoom) - Sunday school and YV
11am: Morning service in Kyleakin Church – Sunday school and YC
4.30pm: ‘Nourish’ - Sharing food together and a short thought to nourish the week ahead (free!) all ages welcome. Kyleakin Church Hall.
PASTORAL CARE: For any pastoral care concerns or requests, please contact Nicola, the Session Clerk 07825 302 548 strathandsleat@gmail.com
Please send anything you would like included in the church notices for the week to Lesley (as usual, ‘cut-and-paste’ ready, if possible, please) lesleyinskye@yahoo.co.uk (or ring 01471 822023) by MIDDAY ON THURSDAY AT THE LATEST PLEASE. And please try to keep notices as short as possible!