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Earlier in the summer a few of us climbed the In-Pin, so called because it is unique among the "Munros" of Scotland (mountains over 3,000 feet) in requiring technical equipment to reach the summit. Careful planning and the expert assistance of a qualified mountain guide made the whole exercise straightforward and enjoyable. In case that sounds a bit clinical, clinging to the rock was still an exhilarating experience!

How many situations do we face which, at first glance, look as inaccessible as the In-Pin? It might be a financial challenge, a relationship gone wrong, or the awareness of a calling which you just cannot imagine being able to fulfil. Are all these necessarily out of reach?

Not if we prepare well by taking them to God in our prayers. If we sense that he really wants us to go for it, then we can rely on his presence as our expert and qualified guide. Jesus promises never to forsake us and that the Holy Spirit is the constant companion of all believers. This does not guarantee an easy life but, doggedly putting one foot on front of the other, he will get us to the top of whatever mountain we face.

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