A faithful witness
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news..."
For all the disclaimers, there is no doubt that Duncan Campbell was a key agent in the Lewis Revival of 1949-52. But who was he?
Born on 13 February 1898 just north of Oban, Duncan was a Gaelic speaker and a piper. In 1913 he was converted on his way home from a dance. The next year he volunteered for military service in the cavalry division and was severely wounded when his horse was shot from under him. During his convalescence he visited many people and prayed with them. The hand of the Lord was upon him and again he volunteered for service. This time it was in the Lord's Army, the Faith Mission to be precise.
For several years he served in Ireland under the inspirational influence of the evangelist WP Nicholson, before being called back to the British mainland to fan the flames of revival which were sweeping through the fishing communities of Yarmouth, Musselburgh and all the way up to Wick.
In 1925, Duncan retired from the Faith Mission, married and accepted the call to pastor a small United Free Church congregation in Ardvasar on the Isle of Skye. After several years of fruitful ministry and with a growing family, he returned to the Faith Mission in 1949. By the end of that year he was called to stir up the revival fires which were breaking out around the Isle of Lewis. The rest, as they say, is history; yet it is a history which deserves exploring...