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"... His mercies never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3. 22-3

Another word that has been much on our lips in recent days is "consistent". They are similar but, whereas "steadfast" suggests stability, "consistent" possesses a more dynamic quality - like the sight of the Queen's hearse making its stately progress from Royal Deeside in Aberdeenshire to the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. Her late Majesty was still pulling the crowds and making everybody feel as if they are contributing to the making of history.

Again, like steadfast, consistent has its roots in the divine nature. God's stability finds further expression in the stately processes of creation and in the progression of its redemption, through the coming and the coming again of our saviour, Jesus the Christ. In the meantime, we are inspired to treasure these twins sides of the royal coin, minted by the Lord himself - steadfastness and consistency - and to express them in our our lives and walk...



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