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Go to...

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened..." Matthew 11. 28

Have you a favourite "go to..." place, when you are stressed, confused, or in need of inspiration? Some people have a song, a chair, or they jump on a bike. All of these can be helpful, essential even. Best of all, though, is our Lord's gracious invitation to come to him.

Jesus once said to his disciples: "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6. 31) and, through the Holy Spirit, the invitation remains open. Sometimes it's as simple as walking out the door and spending time with Jesus on the road. Or it may involve getting away from it all in a totally different place.

During lockdown that isn't so easy. Yet in some ways it is even more necessary. Cabin fever, domestic tension, mental health are taking their toll. But we can be survivors rather than victims. The life-line is prayer.

You don't have to be in a church building to pour your heart out to God and you don't need to use fancy words. Indeed Jesus' instructions are to keep it simple and real: "... when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites... But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father..." (Matthew 6. 5-6)

It really is as simple as that. But that does not mean we should take it for granted. Our intimacy with Almighty God was hard won by Jesus, who sacrificed his life for the purpose, and it's sustained by the Holy Spirit, who is ever at our side - to guide, correct and invigorate us. In other words we are enormously privileged. And not because we deserve it but because God loves us.

With that in mind, why go anywhere else?


© Strath and Sleat Church of Scotland     |     Registered charity number: SC001285

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