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A vintage year for Sudan

Among my prayer prompts today came the news that 2020 was a good year for religious freedom in Sudan. Laws were passed ending the death penalty for those who leave Islam, swiftly followed by further legislation removing Islam as the state religion. Islamic and Christian leaders united to sign a declaration outlawing religious discrimination. Hallelujah!

This is not a defeat for Islam or a victory for Christianity. It is liberation for all from coercion; something that cannot accompany genuine religious conviction or affiliation. If faith is not freely embraced, then it is not true faith. A level playing field should be what every nation strives for and it is what Sudan has taken several significant bounds towards. Much, no doubt, remains to be done because residual prejudice takes much longer to erase than the passing of laws. Sudan remains the 13th worst country for religious persecution, yet that is 6 places lower (better!) than before. So praise God and all credit to leaders at all levels who have brought this about and to whatever public pressure might be driving these reforms.

May the Lord bless the nation of Sudan and protect his church. Keep us all vigilant, especially on behalf of all who are persecuted for whatever reason. Thank you, God, that in Christ there is perfect freedom - for all who will receive his gift. So open our minds, our hearts, our hands...



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