Decisions decisions
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." John15.16
'Tis the season... for exam results and then the horse-trading which is already underway - for the next level of academic course, university places, alternative options for those whose results are steering them in another direction. Some may be spoiled for choice, for others it will be a matter of the least worst option. One may expect a similar contrast in attitudes, between excitement and cynicism. Decision-making is an unavoidable fact of life, which is why it is important that we cultivate our ability to choose wisely.
On the face of it, that sounds so obvious as to render its expression redundant. Yet in choosing the likes of Judas and Peter - let alone you and me - to be his disciples, how wise was Jesus in his decision making? That is something we shall have to take on trust. What we can affirm is that Jesus' decision-making is suffused with grace. And our faithful response? Surely to be filled with awe and wonder at his generosity, to come good on the confidence he has placed in us and to see the potential in others, whether close relatives or those we chance upon.
Jesus makes it clear that our choices have consequences. Yet, where they are in line with his own will and purpose, they may unleash his limitless resources...