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Fire power

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7.12

In our Valentine event for young families at church yesterday, the connection was made between love and mission. If I were struggling to make sense of life in this world and had no hope of life in the next, would I not long for someone to release me from my prison of despair? So if, through faith, we are aware of God's presence in the world and his purpose for our lives and if we possess the promise of eternal life, will concern for those we love not drive us to share our "banquet of hope" with those who are spiritually starving?

This was the train of thought which motivated the French missionary Charles de Foucauld. He devoted his life to reflecting the compassion of Jesus in his adopted home of Nazareth at the turn of the 20th century. He was able to endure numerous setbacks and disappointments because he overlooked the different religion and other languages of those around him, preferring to regard them as fellow human beings and loving them as neighbours. Would that his example should mobilise our churches as we forge our way further into the 21st century!

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