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Is it worth it?

Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Luke 6.30

It's amazing the lengths people will go to for a free haircut!

When I launched a Lent appeal to raise £100 for 10 charities through giving up hair, I promised that anything raised before Ash Wednesday would go to trusted charities responding to the emergency appeal for Syria and Turkey, in the wake of the earthquakes there. I am delighted and grateful to report that just over £1000 was raised so £334 will go to each of Tearfund, Open Doors and Mary's Meals.

Giving is an instinctive response to need and is not confined to those of a religious commitment. What is distinctive about Christian giving is that it should be done discreetly (sic!), sacrificially and without any expectation of reimbursement. This takes charity beyond philanthropy, which tends only to go so far as will not affect the comfort of the donor. In giving his life for the salvation of the world, Jesus set the bar impossibly high. Fortunately for us, he also promises the Holy Spirit, who can help us attain to what would otherwise be impossible.

So charity is not about a rhetorical question "Is it worth it?" but an appeal to God "Please help me to give faithfully!"



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