Ready, set...
"... from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do..." 1 Chronicles 12.32
The Greek word kairos has entered common parlance as a term meaning moment of opportunity. In conversation with our new Parish Assistant yesterday, we agreed that coming out of lockdown amounts to a kairos moment for our congregation. As we pick up the threads we don't have to return to former habits and patterns of behaviour; lockdown has wiped the slate clean, we can do things differently...
For the nation as a whole, our moment will come should independence become a reality. Whether we relish that prospect or not, now is the time to prepare. If we had the opportunity, what kind of nation would we become? What would we change? Rather than assume "business as usual but under new management", what about a make-over? Local communities could start a national discourse by deciding what they need in order to flourish. As wider trends emerge, teams of experts could be assembled to advise on how to deliver these ideas into reality: what resources, infrastructure and legislation would be required.
Christians should add our voices at a every level, though it would be a mistake to argue for a "theocracy", or a Christian equivalent of sharia law. Church and state have distinct roles: the state exists to contain evil and provide a safe environment for all; the church exists to proclaim and prepare for the Lord's return in glory. Interesting days: much to lose, everything to play - and pray - for!