The bright side of waiting
"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done." Revelation 22.12
Not all waiting is bad. I am waiting for a Skype call from my god-daughter who is giving me a rendition of the 'Skye Boat Song' on her violin. It's an early Christmas present! Somehow when the waiting is nearly over it's easier to be patient. In fact, that moment of last-minute anticipation can be delicious.
No one knows when Jesus will return but the Bible is clear that we should expect him at any minute, that we should behave as if in "last minute anticipation". In his vision, the apostle John is reassured by Jesus himself "I am coming soon..." But it's been 2,000 years. That's a long time for us humans to be on tenterhooks. How can we possibly stay expectant over such an extended "last minute"?
In the conclusion of that same vision of John we call Revelation, the last book of the Bible, we find our answer: John's parting word to us - grace. That word is so pregnant with meaning and various attempts to define it are out there. In this context I understand it as "the pure strength of God's love". That John imparts it on "all of God's people" (Revelation 22.21) indicates that it is for all believers because we all need it - for our salvation and for our perseverance.
Since starting to write this post the Skype call came and I can confirm that the rendition was worth waiting for. And so will be the Lord's return. Live in such a way as to be ready to welcome him and don't get distracted by the short-term temptations of society, with their false promises of instant gratification. The reward Jesus is bringing will outshine and outlast them all....