Through tears
As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. Luke 7.38
In the 1st century Roman world, the way women wore their hair said much about their status and condition. The fancier the style, the wealthier the woman. Exceptions would include brides of all classes, who might decorate their tresses with flowers. And then there were those in mourning, who wore their hair loose.
In his account of the woman who anointed Jesus with oil, Luke presents her as a woman in mourning, though he does not specify the origin of her grief. It is clear, however, that the woman perceives in Jesus one who can assuage the emotion she feels. And we, too, can bring our grief and sorrow to God because he understands...
The significance of God becoming human, while remaining God, is both that he understands and that he has the power to do what is necessary to address the source of our pain. Furthermore, the story of this woman reassures us that God is available and sympathetic - whatever the time and whatever the reason for our approach.